20 Adorably Hilarious Cats We Can’t Help But Laugh At

Cats are the rulers of the internet—it’s an undeniable fact. This Instagram page proves it, celebrating their timeless reign. Enjoy!

Tele-paw-tation in progress

And of course, being a cat, he has to have the spotlight on him while doing so.

Peeking and zooming, before purring and kneading.

The only thing cats catch more than mice is your dignity—when they trip you.

Cats taught us that personal space is a human construct.

Time to stop and pet the cat, and who cares if you’re late for work?

Cats are proof that you can be adorable and a jerk at the same time.

Cats don’t have owners—they have staff.

Cats sleep 18 hours a day, and yet I’m the one who feels lazy.

It’s not everyday you see a cat enjoying its time in front of a camera.

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